Persuasive Essay Against Euthanasia

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All humans should choose to life or death.Euthanasia is assisted suicide means to take deliberate action with the express intention of ending a life to relieve intractable suffering.Opinion on whether or not euthanasia helps a ill person or a cancer patient that is in pain or is not able to take it no more and if they are peeing on them self because they can not get up at all.The drug for your euthanasia will make that person fall in a deep sleep that you will never wake up from and that person be gone forever. Euthanasia is a painless procedure the give the person the drug the person will be gone within a few minutes.Euthanasia has positive effects on a individuals because it is quality vs. quanty of life , it is painless, and individuals have ownership of their body. …show more content…

quanity of life is should someone choose to live ornotto live.Ifa very ill person or a cancer patient should be able to deside whether they wanna keep suffering or should they keep suffer if the wanna die or keep living. Aill person or a cancer patient should not have to suffer because if they are just getting worses they should not keep suffering if they do not wanna suffer no more. Quality of life is when a person that is ill and is peeing on them self because they can not make it to the bathroom is not able to move at all will quilty of life is a health person they have nothing wrong with them at all.Ifa ill person or a cancer patient was suffering should they get to choose to life or death will a health person person should not get to choose death.A ill person or a cancer patient should be able to choose life or death because if that person is suffering and peeing on them self because they are in pain and not able to move well and is all ways in pain and does not want to keep suffering.A person should not have to keep suffering if they are a ill person or a cancer patient