Persuasive Essay College

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Just Breathe First year college students are never prepared for the world of shock that college brings. College is tough. In the freshman year, one will gain many friends and will possibly meet a girl/boy they choose to pursue and spend a lot of time with. Also, there is always so much going on at school, whether it’s a basketball game, a speaker is coming to talk at school, or a weeknight party. Oh, and on top of that, the load of school work just increased by about 80%. Students should take into consideration the needs of one’s health and well-being. The most valuable aspect of self-improvement for freshman college students starts with balance; this can be accomplished through balancing school work, a social life, and personal wellbeing. …show more content…

Following this task, sounds simple but can be very challenging at times, with all the distractions college brings. Students’ first mistake is not showing up to class. Attendance will either make or break the student, one must dedicate all class time, for class. Also, freshman need to develop a schedule system that is right for them, homework and studying on personal time is the biggest adjustment to college. Giving school work the intention and attention it requires will set a good ground for success. (Roth 106) Doing good in school, supports the balance of a student’s life because it gives purpose for their work and it’s a good feeling to get an A on a tough paper. Although, one must not spend all their energy on school work, there is so much more to college than just