Persuasive Essay Education

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Going to school and making good grades might be easy for some, but that is not always the case. Many students struggle in school because of a mental or physical disability. This struggle is a recurring issue for many children in school system, because everyone learns at a different rate and way. A positive solution would be creating smaller classrooms with fewer student to teacher ratios.This would enable students with mental and physical disabilities the opportunity enjoy and succeed in school. With students progressing at different rates, it is crucial to supply students with what they need in school, like extended time or extra help, to become successful and educated individuals.
Students learn in a variety ways and schools need to modify …show more content…

Some children need to be in a smaller class so they can get more one on one time with the teacher. These children need to have special help and an extend amount of time given to them to complete assignments. Some children feel as if they are lost in a big class. Children with mental or physical disabilities need to have more help than children without disabilities for example, getting a test read to them, having a desktop copy, or having an extended amount of time to complete their work. When children with disabilities are put into a big class they might be scared to ask questions because others might make fun of them or they might feel as if they do not matter. When these students are placed into a traditional classroom setting, they do not do as well and eventually fall behind in their school work. Children with disabilities require a smaller setting with other students that they feel comfortable with. Class size is a big factor when it comes to children with mental and physical disabilities and doing well in school. Smaller class sizes would give teachers more one on one time to help children with mental and physical disabilities to succeed in school and enjoy