
Process Essay: How Do I Start Running

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How Do I Start Running
So you've decicding that you want to run on a regular basis, now all you need to know is what you should do first, prior to incoprating running into your daily routine. Well, the very first and foremost thing you'll need to do is to consult your doctor, who if requuired, will check your current health status to determine if you are fit enough to incorpate it inot your life. Howwever, once your doctor checks off on it, you are ready to get into running. However, before you start running day after day, you need to ensure that you gradually build yourself up so that you can avoid injuries. In fact, many fitness experts proclaim that you should not increase the mileage of what y ou run, greater than 10% for the previous week. In addition to that, you need to become …show more content…

Also, bare in mind that every single runner, myslef included, has our own style of runnng. But, most runners relaize which style suits them best, with some experince. The most important thing that needs to be considered though, is that you maintan proper posture while you run by ensuriing that the spine, hips, neckand head is on one plane.

What Signs INdiacte That You're Running Too Fast?
The simplest way to detemrine if you are running too fast is to see if could talk to the indiaul who is running with you. If you can, this means your at a good pace.

Prior to running, it's reocmmmned that all runners conduct 10 mintues as well as to strch for another 20 minutes once the running session is over. Strechinig is important because it can help to prevent injuries.

Last but not least, the most impoortant tool a runner can poses is pair of high quality running hsoes. High quality running shoes are important because they are made up of materials that cushion the foot and provide extra support to minizes the chance of encountering an i

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