
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Abortion is a series matter in the United States now days. Because some folks can’t have children who would like some and other women out here are not meaning to have them and getting abortions. Obama has addressed abortions and spoke his thoughts on it trying to make it illegal for women to get abortions. Now it just cost a whole lot of money for them just to get an abortions rather than nothing. An abortion is a something a woman gets done to her at the doctor office. The doctor then does a procedure which kills the child in the stomach. The doctor goes into the woman and opens the sack and uses tools to break the baby bones and then pulls it out of the woman. It’s been heard that it is a series painful procedure. The Supreme Court addressed abortion on Monday morning in Washington. They made good points on abortion and facts about how it’s wrong to let women kill their child. The Supreme Court got together and discussed the matter with other people in the White house. Some people agreed with their points and in some states it was restricted to have abortions there. In Texas they made a law that drastically reduced the numbers of abortions there. The Texas restrictions …show more content…

This being said the senator made it were that woman who breaks this law will get a maximum of at least five years in prison. A doctor name Kermit Gosnell also known as the baby killer, was found guilty of his crime of killing babies also women. He would take the baby out of the woman by focus letting the woman bleed to death and cut the baby spines letting them die as well. He then was convicted to his crimes in 2013 and he is serving multiple life sentences for murdering these women and children. Stanek was a nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois she exposure them for killing babies who survived abortions and letting them

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