
Persuasive Essay On Abortion Pro Life

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Abortion is a serious decision that some people encounter as young adults. It is something that people today have to deal with and it is a decision that will change your life. Look at it this way, what if your parents didn’t want to keep you and decided it was best to have an abortion? Three of my cousins are adopted and I know that abortion could have been an option for all of their biological parents, but I am so thankful that they didn’t choose that option. They are some of the most amazing people in the world and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. Their moms could have chosen the abortion path, instead, they turned to somebody else to help them take the next right step and let somebody else raise their children, now they have become wonderful people. Every child deserves a chance in the world, even if their biological parents don’t raise …show more content…

People believe that children will mess up their lives or that they are an inconvenience, although they require a lot of commitment if you are having sex in the first place you should be mature enough to take care of a child. Yes, it will require a lot of time and patience to get used to the late night feedings and constant attention, but it will be worth it in the end when you get to see your child grow and become a beautiful human being. One article said that “To declare a beginning of life at any point after the fusing of a wife’s egg and a husband’s contribution is irrational and an exercise in sophistical chicanery. Only machines such as clocks and cars come into existence part by part.” (10 Reasons) Although some complications may come up for the mom throughout the childbirth the abortion process has complications of its own. “An abortion can result in medical complications later in life; the risk of ectopic pregnancies doubles, and the chance of a miscarriage and pelvic inflammatory disease also

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