Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Under this bill, women would no be able to have an abortion unless they were given the consent of the biological father of the baby. It invalidates women’s right to her own body. If the women wanted to have an abortion, she would be unable to do so if the father refuses. This bill would give men the final decision and ultimately, control over women’s body. Yet, Brattin justifies this bill stating, “It took two to come together and create a child, and right now the way it is the woman gets the full say and the father gets no say, and I think that that needs to change. With the women's movement for equal rights, well, it's swung so far we have now taken away the man's right and the say in their child's life” (Barbato). However, this bill swings far to the …show more content…

The consequences of H.B.131 could be detrimental for women, especially those whose pregnancies resulted from rape. Although the bill states that abortion is allowed in cases “in which the woman upon whom the abortion is to be performed or induced was the victim of rape or incest and the pregnancy resulted from the rape or incest” (House Bill 131), it has become increasingly difficult to prove that women were raped. According to Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, on 2 out every 100 rapists are imprisoned for the crime. Courts and juries often distrust the allegations made by the victim. However, a study done by Kate Harding reveals that 92-98% of rapes cases are legitimate. Only 2-8% of victims lie about rape (Harding 63). In order to prove a rape case, DNA and other substantial proof, such as video/photographic evidence, would be required. Otherwise, the rape case would be dismissed. The burden of proof falls harder on sex workers, women of color, and transwomen. These women are seen as being impossible victims of sexual violence. As a sex worker, the purpose of a woman’s body is male consumption