Persuasive Essay On Binge Drinking

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Teenage drinking is one of largest issues for young people today. More than half of high schoolers drink. Because underage drinking causes negative and mental effects to young people, they should not drink before the age of twenty one.
The effects and symptoms of binge drinking can be bad for several reasons. For men binge drinking is five or more drinks within two hours. And for girls it is four or more drinks within two hours. Binge drinking can have many effects. It can affects in people's personal life, school life, relationships, and goals you have down the road. Symptoms include mood swings, easily irritated, aggressiveness, skipping school, failing grades, and memory loss. If someone is under the influence they might have slurred speech, bad coordination, bloodshot eyes, and a flushed face. Drinking before the age of twenty one is not good for the …show more content…

Most kids by the age of eighteen have had at least one drink. By age fifteen thirty three percent of kids have already had their first drink. (source 1) Kids who start drinking before the age of fifteen are four times more likely to become alcohol dependent. Four thousand deaths are related to alcohol in individuals under twenty one. This includes car accidents, homicides, alcohol poisoning, and suicides. There are 1,900 car crashes, 1,600 homicides, 300 suicides, and other injuries that include falling, burns, and drowning. Alcohol is linked to 189,000 emergency room visits by people under twenty one.
There are also many risks to drinking before the age of twenty one. This includes physical and sexual assault, more likely to be victims of violent crimes, and can lead to depression. Kids who drink before the age of twenty one are 23.6 times more likely to self cut, attempt suicide, and self poisoning. Jan Withers says “ I think we’re not as educated about all the dangers that drinking before twenty one can be related to.” (source