
Persuasive Essay On Bottled Water

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If your family is like 90% of families in the United States, chances are you can come home and find a case or two of bottled water. On your way to a sport or activity, it’s easy to grab one when you’re in a rush, right? But, every plastic bottle you use is polluting the environment and wasting fossil fuels on other, much more needed things. To make matters worse, the United States buys more bottles than any other country, with 29 billion bottles per year, which uses 17 million barrels of crude oil each year. Imagine looking at a bottle filled up 6 ounces with oil. This is what goes into making every plastic water bottle. Many bottled water companies are harming watersheds and aquifers while they are pumping the water. Not only this, but many bottles contain chemicals linked to heart disease and reproductive problems. …show more content…

That is 112 bottles that every person drinks each year. The bottled water industry has gained so much popularity, it has surpassed milk, coffee, and juice industries. Even though tap water costs 1000 times less than bottled water, people still prefer to drink bottled water. 1 case of bottled water costs more than the tap water you drink for 5 years. Tap water has a very low cost 50 cents per year, while cases of water bottles can range from $2.50 to $10.00.
Some experts contend that the profits from bottled water companies could go toward improving public water supplies and infrastructure—making better water for everyone. Many bottled water companies are abusing their powers and are making massive profits by “stealing” water from public sources. They are also using majorly misleading ads and labels. Most labels show pictures of a beautiful springs or mountains to persuade their consumers into thinking their water is coming from natural places, when it really

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