Persuasive Essay On Drinking Too Much Soda

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Obesity, it's a disease of sorts that is becoming more and more commonplace within many countries every year. Many XXXsurgeries for weight loss are becoming a recurring elucidation when it doesn't have to be resolved in that way. An article by Choose Health LA claims, "Drinking too much sugar is a major contributor to overweight and obesity, especially for LA County's children. Sugary drinks, such as sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, and even sweetened teas and juice drinks, are a large part of the problem." A extremely common argument to every degree with many studies and lots of proof to back it up. There are so many arguments as to why you should stop consuming soda and other sugary beverages. Here I will discuss three: Health risks, environmental impact, and sweeteners artificial and natural. It will contain all of the reasons why you need to …show more content…

Materials like plastic aren't biodegradable, so when people litter or goes into landfills, it stays there, forever.... Even with recycling a big help to the cause, isn't a solution because not everyone does recycle or even have the resources to. These bottles if not contained properly are going to move around as littler and an environmental hazard. As a result of this a major problem is developing in the Pacific Ocean; plastic floating on the surface of the water trapped by currents under the waves. This would be the Pacific Garbage Patch; It is now around the size of Texas, United States one of the largest states in the country only taking second place to Alaska. They are also dangerous to us, "Plastic soda (and water) bottles contain a toxic chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) that can leach from bottles into soda...into you. Emerging evidence links BPA to myriad maladies, including immune system depression" ( In this degree, if yourself as a person has a resolve to protect the world you inhabit, one major step would to stop drinking

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