Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment

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It is understandable that society seeks justice when some form of crime is committed, more specifically murder. Often people think with a heavy burden in their hearts seeking the most severe form of punishment, in most cases the death penalty. For a few reasons I do not agree with this form of punishment. Morally, what are we teaching society when handing down a death penalty verdict? Justice should not be sought out in vengeance for the sake of an eye for an eye on the part of the victim, family members, and community, instead lets offer restorative justice. Is there any credibility that the death penalty deters people from committing aggravated murder with such malice, or how about the probability of convicting an innocent person of capital punishment. Lastly, unlike society might think, the cost of an execution is substantially greater than life in prison. 153 people have been exonerated from death row since 1973, which means 153 people have been falsely convicted of a murder they did not commit due to faulty evidence, testimonies, and confessions that were given out of duress. An interview given by a woman who stated the guilt she felt has been awful, after she learned that the two men who were convicted of her cousin’s rape and murder were actually innocent and exonerated when DNA testing excluded them. In an article written by Christy Sheppard she states, “It is horrible to think that you prayed, wished, helped and condoned to bring harm to someone else and then to