Capital Punishment Speech

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Today, when one turns on the television to enjoy something great, radio to hear something good, or even read a local newspaper awaiting to read some good news, one is flooded with terrifying and depressing news talking about assassinations, suicides, series killing, and several other tragedic stories that disturb you inside out. Very rarely one finds such occasions where you don’t have to go through such depressing news all day long because not only the media but people around you also talk about such horrifying acts happening in the society. How one can tackle these prevailing conditions of crime in the society? At present, there is a huge debate over the topic of capital punishment which is becoming quite common but the biggest question on it is if it is ethically right or wrong. But what exactly is capital punishment? Capital punishment or sentenced to death as the punishment is called under law is taking away life of a criminal if he has committed a crime that is so severe that there is no remedy of it. Those crimes which come under the head of death penalty or capital punishment are called capital …show more content…

The main points that have been covered dejecting the idea of capital punishment is that even though it has been practiced since long time in history now but there is no evidence that after it such form of crime would not have been committed again. Secondly, by all grounds it is the most inhumane form of punishment and instead of it to teach a lesson there could be numerous more ways to punish a criminal instead of just putting him to death. Lesson being learnt by him should be the most important thing instead of the lesson being learnt by the society. Other than this taxpayers start to spend a lot of amount on the dying person while another argument being that the government itself is committing the same crime that the criminal committed by murdering him and putting him to death hence sending out a pessimistic lesson to the society which will nurture a more negative society instead of churing out positive