Persuasive Essay On Cardiovascular Disease

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That we shall die we know? Imagine if you will, a dimension in which people do not die. This dimension is not out of man’s grasp. It is there, waiting to be brought into our world. This reality may soon come true, but first, we need to bring it to us. We need to fight off the current perception of death. There is a major issue with how we as humans currently treat death and dying. Death has been inescapable for all humans since the beginning of our species. It happens so frequently and seems so normal that we have tricked ourselves into believing that death is a friend. We try to cope with death and tell ourselves that it’s not scary, that our time will come. This has lead to a romanization of dying. Funerals, passing away, growing old, and …show more content…

It is well known that cardiovascular disease is a serious killer. If scientists could eliminate it, millions of people around the world would be saved, and millions of others would lead healthier overall lives. The reason why cardiovascular disease is so deadly has a lot to do with the one of the cell’s least glorious organelles: the humble lysosome. In his aforementioned paper, de Grey explains that lysosomes are miniature cellular structures that remove and/or store waste and byproducts from cellular activities. These wastes are collected by lysosomes which attempts to break them down. Sometimes, however, the collected waste cannot be broken down and it accumulates in cells called macrophages. This accumulation can lead to atherosclerosis, and cause cardiovascular diseases. De Grey suggests that “if macrophages could break down everything they take up, atherosclerosis would simply not occur and cardiovascular disease (particularly heart attacks and strokes) would be a minor cause of death, rather than the most frequent one in the Western world” (2). Because cardiovascular disease is so prominent, a world without it would be increased longevity for the population as a whole, again leading to longer life spans. Of course, the question must be answered, how does one …show more content…

Fighting seems to be something we’re pretty good at. Fighting to survive is arguably at the very core of our species. Everything we do is to survive, and survive is what we need to keep doing. Humans cannot and do not accept reality as it is presented. We build things to change our reality. Things like shelter, computers, science, and everything else that makes us special has changed our reality. If we did not change our reality we would do nothing except sit down and die. We have an inherent need to change our reality. If we didn’t there’d be no point in living. The fear of death is what currently keeps us going. It makes us live as long as possible, and we are tricked into believing that it is inevitable. Death is the fundamental driving force that causes all humans to live. Humans do not live to die, they live to delay death as long as possible, gradually accepting it along the way. Why then, do we try to change reality for everything except the perception of death? Until now the answer has been to cope with death. It’s a scary concept and we don't like being scared. But, here’s the thing, being scared is a major motivational push. When we’re scared we do things that help us to survive. You know them as fight or flight. We need to be scared of death, not cope with it. We need to beat it with a hammer, not learn to live up to it. The science is progressing, but not fast enough. It needs more support, more