
Persuasive Essay On Cats Vs Dogs

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Dogs vs Cats
Dogs and cats are the most popular household pets in the United States. When trying to decide which one to get, it is important to think about the different characteristics and behaviors of each animal. Grooming, health, training, space, emotional needs, and most importantly, cost are important things to consider when choosing a pet.
Equipment for dogs and cats is fairly simple. Cats require food and water bowls, a litter box, toys, scratching posts, and a brush for grooming. Dogs require a food and water bowl, a leash and collar, a bed, toys, chews and treats. In some cases, dogs may need a crate too. Crates can be used as a space for relaxation and comfort. Crates can be helpful when the dog is left for long periods of time …show more content…

Cats only need to be trained to use a litter box and this can be done rather quickly, by putting the kitten in the litter box and moving its paws to simulate the action they will take when going to the bathroom. Training is quick, usually under a week, and relatively painless, but the litter box must be cleaned regularly and cat litter can be toxic. Dogs can destroy houses if not trained correctly. Training, socializing and housebreaking a dog can take months and even years. The type of training, depending upon the breed, is very important. It is also important to be educated about the available options. While house training is important, command training such as “stay” or “come” is vital. Cats tend to need little human interaction, although they do learn to enjoy humans and will often nap on the laps, shoulders or chests of their owners. Dogs, however, need as many hugs and kisses as possible. They genuinely crave human touch and praise. Since dogs are rambunctious, lots of human interaction is needed to make them happy and well-behaved pups. Certain breeds are trained to be exceptional watchdogs and service dogs too. Dogs and cats are great for kids, the elderly, and even the sick because they can bring joy, laughter, and affection in unexpected

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