Persuasive Essay On Cheer Competition

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I love playing volleyball, and I enjoyed doing cheer last year, but what my seventh grade was really about, was that I had two state championships. I was hoping to go to state in both, and I did. State can be very nerve racking especially your first time ever going. It takes your full effort to win, but if you are dedicated you will try your best and hopefully succeed. Going to state for cheer is different than going to state for other sports. You learn a routine that you compete with every time. Each time you can add more and more difficulties. Each normal competition you can qualify for state. We qualified every competition. Before the state competition, we had a third place, and two first places. We were hoping to get in the top ten at least, but ended up getting first. How did this happen? How did we get first in the state? You're about to find out! …show more content…

That never shut us down we were, ¨headed for the top.¨ We had one 4 hour practice and two 3 hour practices, and yes I know they were pretty long. We were pretty tired after, but we were told to never give up in between. A cheer competition is very hard, there are so many parts it can be very frustrating. Your routine can only be 2 minutes and 30 seconds long, which doesn't seem like that much time, but trust me it is. You go full blast, screaming to the top of you lungs, running to your next place, and staying tight all the way through the routine. So when people looked at us cheerleaders last year, and said that our sport was easy, we made sure the thought about that