Persuasive Essay On Child Bearing

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Lelia Strait
English 101
Mr. Smith
Child Bearing
Before deciding on having a child, one should be financially stable. Children are a lot of work, responsibility and money. Raising children while lacking one of those three items can cause many problems. According to “6 Financial Factors to Consider Before Having Kids”, “a middle-income family will spend an average of $245,340 to raise a child from birth to the age of 18.” This money includes food, clothing, child care services and any miscellaneous items one may spend on his/her child.
Being a teen mom can be a very difficult journey. According to, “State's teen pregnancy rate dropping; some credit abstinence”, “...problems relate to lifestyle, including poverty and the difficulty of raising a child without the job skills and education that can bring in a living wage.” When children that are thirteen and fourteen years old become pregnant, there is no way they are able to raise children alone because no employer is allowed to hire anyone under the age of eighteen. This causes pregnant teens to either rely on their parents, give their children up for …show more content…

All of this stress causes a parent to pay more attention to how he or she will pay the bills this month instead of how much his or her child is being nurtured. “The Negative Effects Of Instability On Child Development: A Research Synthesis” suggests that, “The Negative Effects Of Instability On Child Development: A Research Synthesis” states that, “Parental employment instability is linked to negative academic outcomes, such as grade retention, lower educational attainment, and internalizing and externalizing behaviors.” . This means that children from poor families are more likely to act up to receive attention during school while other adolescents behave well knowing they will be properly nurtured when they come