Persuasive Essay On Child Labour

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Child Labor is were young children are put to work on things only eighteen and up should be allowed to do. Fourteen year olds even get hurt doing what they do, and because of that the u.s now has a law that only 18 or older can have a job that 14 year olds and younger were forced to do. We should not buy products that they sell because of how undergaed they are, the wage, and the working conditions. Underaged wokers is a reason to not buy the products because if you give them the money and they begin to get money left and right they wouldn't stop. A man named Philip H. Knight agreed to labor and human rights to join the independent auditors who inspected the factories in asia. “In countries where it is common for 14-year olds to hold such jobs. It will not require the dismissal of underaged workers already in place” ( John H. Cushman). This means that the 14 year olds that have these jobs will not be stopped working, and it matters because they will still be working at such a young age. …show more content…

“ Mr. Knight’s did not include increase wage, a major complaint of critics who say that Nike and other american companies pay workers in china vietnam less than 2 dollars a day and workers in indonesia less than 1 dollar a day. (a 1996 world bank report concluded that more than one-fifth of the world’s population lives on less than 1 dollar a day)” ( John H. Cushman ). This means that if you don't get at least three dollars a day then you won't be able to really live on the money you earn. People may earn one or two dollars a day and they won't be able to provide for themselves or even there families that don’t have