Persuasive Essay On Cloning

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Cloning is a current scientific experiment, which could lead to a brighter future. Cloning can help the medical field to learn how to regenerate limbs that have been lost due to work accidents or vehicle accidents. It could also lead to problems later on in development depending on when the cloning is taken place. I believe that cloning should be more practiced in order for scientists to learn how to avoid the risks that come with the process. The main purpose of cloning is to be used in order to treat medical problems such as spinal cord injuries, birth defects, etc. However, other people throughout the world believe that it will be used, later on, in order to completely clone humans. Even though many creatures have been cloning themselves …show more content…

Marine life and fresh-water invertebrates clone themselves as a way of survival. There are many marine species that are able to clone themselves and they do it in at least one of three ways: fission, fragmentation, or budding. Sea Cucumbers are one of the species that is able to clone itself and it does so through fission and fragmentation. The fission cloning process is simply where the Sea Cucumber, or other animal, breaks in half and then regenerates the missing half. The fragmentation process is essentially the same method but is brought upon the creature by a predator. Hydras, another species that are able to clone themselves, do so through a process called budding. The budding cloning method is where the clone-daughter first appears as a small growth, or bud, on the clone-parent and eventually pinches off to live independently. Humans can be clones as well. Twins are natural clones and happen when a two-cell embryo splits into two separate cells, which both develop into normal …show more content…

By studying the ways that animals clone currently, we can figure out ways to better develop our method of cloning which could lead to the cloning of entire organs. The fear inspiring experiment is potentially a key step to treating diseases and illnesses by replacing damaged tissue. By cloning an animal’s stem cells a scientist could essentially be able to give cures for multiple medical conditions such as birth defects, heart diseases, reduce risk of transportation, and possibly even cancer. Cloning can help with birth defects because by learning how to properly and successfully clone strands of DNA, scientists would be able to make a clone of the DNA strand without the birth defect mutation and essentially delete the mutated strand. Heart diseases could also be helped by cloning because, for example diabetes is caused by a mutation in the DNA strands, which can be fixed by cloning healthy, non mutated DNA strands. Cancer can be reduced, if not cured, by the process of cloning DNA strands and cells because cloning would cause the mutations that cause cancer, whether they be in the DNA strands or the cells and tissues surrounding the area the cancer is found in, to be deleted and replaced with the non mutated item. Reducing the risk of transplantation also comes about by successful cloning because you would have to find a donor organ, you could just make a copy of the healthy tissues, cells, and DNA strands in