Argumentative Essay: Life And The Death Penalty

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We all make mistakes or maybe a little naive about how things work in a place I like to call “Life”. Maybe as a teenager, you stayed out too late and once you got home. Your evil parents grounded you for a week. You may have thought it was unfair, but after a week you were free again. Your debt was paid and the punishment was behind you, but is this always the case? When you are arrested for whatever reason, and meet the requirements forced onto you because of said actions, your punishment is not over just because you paid a fine. The effects can cause harm to you throughout your life unless you can expunge said offense. It seems only fair that if you are punished for a crime that once you meet those requirements it would remain behind you, but that is not always true. Here is a true story about Precious Daniels, …show more content…

Mark Walberg had a lot of run ends with the law when growing up in Boston that led to arrest. You can search the internet and see his crimes were committed as a teen, even though they were hateful and put someone in a hospital or shows the person he was then as a teen and know are not the same (Mark). I say it is not the same because he has not been in any violent crimes or any crimes after that I know of. He is a famous actor and if he steps out of line, some paparazzi would jump out of the bushes, take a picture, and Wahlberg would be all over our TV screens, magazines, newspapers, etc. It is a little harder for a movie start to hide a shady act. Companies pay people to get pictures and dirt on celebrities. If you think money can hide them, then what about Bill Cosby. Information is not easy to hide, it gets out. Maybe an argument can be made, if people had means to make a living wage, they would be less likely to commit crimes, but make no exceptions, we will always have some people that are going to show criminal patterns throughout their life, and that is whom we need to protect our citizens