Persuasive Essay On Daycare

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After weighting all the pros and cons, we decided to not send our child to the daycare.
One of the main reasons for our decision was that daycare options in our neighborhood is either unreasonably expensive, or affordable but with not outstanding reputation. Couple of friends of ours thought we are nuts by not sending a child with a difficult temperament to the school, but we, on the contrary, thought he will benefit by being home more and that way we will be able to facilitate a less irritable environment. I see that transfer to the daycare might led some children—especially, more sensitive ones such as Otto—to think that their parents are indifferent, and this may then affect the parent-attachment relationship. Provided that my partner and mine’s working schedules are flexible, it is possible for us to alter and take care of our child in the home environment. 60% of his time Otto spends with me (with a mother), 25% - with his father and 15% is a family time. On Mondays and Wednesdays Otto spends a sufficient amount of time with his father. They do physical work in the backyard or garage, or accomplish some chores around the house, or engage in some musical virtue. His father makes sure Otto improves his gross motor skills, and his fine motor skills. In the later afternoon, when father goes to work, Otto and I go to visit our friends, so Otto can socialize with children close in age. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I take care of Otto. We do some chores around the house, spend