Persuasive Essay On Dress Codes In Schools

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Amanda Cammarata
13, April 2023 Should schools or families determine what kids wear? Clothes shouldn't determine how we act with our friends or family. We should never blame anyone for what they wear to make them uncomfortable during the hot days in the summer. Even on hot days boys and teachers can tell girls that what they are wearing is distracting.When it's the end of the school year there is no doubt that it's going to be hot and everyone is going to want to dress accordingly. When this happens, students are going to want to wear shorts and tank tops that are sometimes Inappropriate. Wild Rose School Division (Alberta Canada) School Superintendent, Brad Volkman says the following- “Summer dress code conversation …show more content…

Schools should reconsider what they put as their dress codes because some students need to understand the reasons as they get more mature. “From elementary school to high school, school dress codes have always been enforced, dictating what a student can and cannot wear. Schools, though, should have no right to tell students how they should dress. School dress codes should be abolished so that students have the freedom to wear whatever they want to school.” (Crewse). Every girl has been told to follow the dress code from the age of five through middle school. Most dress codes do not discriminate, although there is more of a need to understand that all female students will dress differently nowadays.“Another reason to abolish school dress codes is that it limits students’ self-expression, and freedom. Clothing isn’t just a piece of fabric, it’s how students express themselves and find their identity. Some feel that schools target students of a different race, ethnicity or cultural background that prohibit things like durag or dreadlocks.” Not all dress codes are for clothes, but include shoes, hair, makeup, etc.. Teachers want to have a safe environment when learning about something but they can dictate what people wear to school and that makes students not as safe as they want them to be. “Many proponents of dress codes feel that dress codes contribute to a safe learning environment. Dress codes that prohibit gang related clothing or clothing that others may find offensive or distracting helps create an environment where students can focus on their education rather than distracting or dangerous clothes” (Farrar). Schools should recognize the clothing situation and see the impact it's having in the