Persuasive Essay On Equality In America

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Equality in America, or even in the entire world, seems to be a prominent issue in this day and age. It is something that we have been striving to achieve for countless years now and the more steps forward we take, the more steps we take backwards. The issues have evolved from race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc.. Plans are formed by different people or groups to attempt to reach true equality for all, as such I, myself, have a plan to bestow upon you. It will encompass all areas of this tough subject. For many it will relieve some problems or allow others to keep these thoughts that are buried in the back of their minds away. The great president of our nation, as we all know, is a huge believer in equality for all, especially when it comes to different races. I suggest that we follow his wishes in building a wall to keep the unwanted away, but we should expand it to the borders of the entire country. It would keep various people from coming in and keep the best of our citizens inside so they cannot be harmed by the thoughts of other cultures or …show more content…

Americans can spend more time working and living the American Dream without worrying about political topics as much. The men and women will put more work into the science of defense, so we can be prepared the next time a country decides attacking us will make us less powerful. Although, if a couple has children the wife must stay home with them until all children in the household are at least twelve years of age. It will allow the husband to continue working and the children to learn all of their basic behaviors. All citizens thirteen and older must attend monthly meetings on the expectations the government has. Additionally, this will be the time that forms and phone numbers will be given out to ensure that citizens can report anyone who is not following these