
Persuasive Essay On Filibustering

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The Congress of the United States has multiple jobs they are required to do. These jobs are what keeps America from falling and update the laws that build the protections and freedoms of American citizens.

Through the lawmaking process, Congress passes the law through both the House of Representatives and the Senate, along with committees. Most of the time, in the House of Representatives, the voice of the minority decision on a law isn’t heard as Representatives are timed on their talking. Luckily, the Senate have no limit on their time to discuss their opinion. Filibustering, which was established as acceptable in 1806, is a tactic that is used when the minority factor of a law is unheard. Filibustering allows for senators to talk until they physically can't talk anymore. This allows for further development on a …show more content…

Legislative hearings are held to check on measures that have a possibility of becoming public law. At times, theses legislative hearings can collect a group of policies before they decide on one that is defined as constitutional and doesn’t violate rights of others, along with minorities. Also, a forum is provided that allows for others to enter in their opinions and facts on a policy being held.

Caseworking is when members of congress respond to needs of constituents. Casework is usually done to keep voters of a member happy. Since there is no limit on how many times a person can serve in the house, they work their hardest to keep the votes and be reelected. Caseworking can have a heavily negative impact on what gets done around congress. Since the members are so focused on getting reelected, they don’t worry much about important issues in laws or government.

Congress has the ability to watch over the United States’ laws and regulate them. This power is mistreated when congress is too focused on being

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