Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

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Bishop Gregory Rickel said , " same sex couples are not asking for treatment, they are asking for equality , they are asking to be accountable , as a couple in community." Same sex marriage are couples that join in a relationship with someone of the same gender. Currently the Supreme Court said that homosexuals have a right to marry. The government should pass a law allowing same sex marriages. Homosexual people should be able to marry because most people support same sex marriages, they constitution is based on equality and depriving the from marrying is taking away those rights. Most people support homosexual marriage. Based on a polling from PewResearch Center ," based on polling in 2015 , a majority of Americans (55%) support same-sex marriage , compared with 39% who oppose it." …show more content…

The Heritage Heights states, " no state shall.... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The constitution is based on equality for everyone and the applying to everybody equally. Not allowing LGBT people to marry is taking away their human rights. Human rights that we all deserve. Same-sex marriage should be a law because they have the same right as all of us. Furthermore, the Supreme Court Justices said, " Justice Kennedy emphasized the dignity and equality not only of same-sex couples, but of their families and children. “Without the recognition, stability, and predictability marriage offers,” he wrote, the children of these couples “suffer the stigma of knowing their families are somehow lesser.” In order to have a stable family , they have to get married to create a unity between the families. Getting married allows the kids born with two same gender parents to have a view of what a family looks like. LGBT people deserve the same equality as all of us. However some people oppose same sex marriages because it goes against their religion beliefs