
Has The Lgbt Community Being Helped With Acceptance

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Cheyenne Conner
Mrs. Lee
9th grade english
17 May, 2018
Is the LGBT community being helped with acceptance? The LGBT community is a widespread topic that is talked about all over the world. Gender and sexuality have become key factors in the disruption of society under the question of, Do we need new ways of identifying gender and sexuality? The LGBT community should be left alone, because they are often bullied on a daily basis, risk of dying because of embarrassment to get medical help, or shunned and left homeless by coming out the their families or caretakers. Moreover, the Government somehow slowly is starting to gain the power to dictate what the community can or can not do. Do we really need laws to say if a person can marry someone …show more content…

The question remains, Is religion keeping people from coming out as they fear change from it being a sin? Most people that are asked, mainly christians or catholics, they will most likely say that it is not right, and that if someone likes or loves anything but the opposite gender, then you are an abomination, but do they have the right to judge somebody? The bible clearly states homosexuality is a sin if looked up, it can be seen in (leviticus chapter 12 verse 22) “ Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination”. With saying this, the bible in this case is talking about how a man shall not lay with a man, as a woman can not lay with a woman. Also is seen in another version (KJV) “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads”( leviticus 20:13). Then the bible proceeds to say in (leviticus chapter 20 verse 29) “ For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people”. As seen and stated, it is very clear that it was written long ago that if someone were to lay with someone of the same gender then they will basically feel like an outcast, much like today’s society where people are being shunned from homes, medical centers, or being …show more content…

Like earlier stated, most people fear change. In the medical field, change happens a lot. Whether it be a new doctor, or new medications, but what of new businesses being dedicated to the community. If there was a place they could go and get medical help from people just like them. When Abbygail Egging stated in the (NDNR vol.13 iss.9 newspaper) “ Do not automatically assume your patient is homosexual, by accepting them, you can help them get over any internal homophobia”. To explain further what she means is that, by treating patients right, then instead of assuming their gender or sexuality, and just be nice and help them get what they need. Then, it will make things run faster and smoother. Most patients do not go to the doctor because of the reason they think that they will be turned away or embarrassed by the doctor. “There are different thoughts as to why bisexuals seem to be worse off than lesbians with regard to mental health. Hypotheses include that bisexuals may be perceived to be heterosexual, or that individuals who identify as bisexual may still struggle with how to classify their sexual orientation, or bisexuals may not feel that they are welcomed - due to perceived discrimination - into the LGBT community in the same way as those who identify as homosexual” (NDNR). As clearly stated, some people struggle with their sexuality once they find out,

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