
Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

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Gay Rights/ Marriage
At some point in time, everyone will fall in love or like someone, but what if you were not allowed to like that certain someone for one characteristic in their personality? What would you do? Today in the U.S, heterosexuals are targeting gays for their sexual preference. This has been happening for a long time, but now it has become a serious problem when states came about on the decision of gay marriage. Recently, some states have started to allow gay marriage, while others do not accept the idea of a same sex couple getting married.
Gays or Homosexuals are sometimes targeted for the reason that they like another person of the same sex; “In the beginning, God made Adam and EVE, not Adam and Steve, nor Eve and Jane...Anti-gay Christian ministers have used this as a crux to propagate the myth that homosexuality is ‘unnatural’…." ( Ashford 1 ). This quote states that since God made a male and a female to produce more of its kind on Earth, Christians believe only a couple with the opposite sex as their partner is acceptable. But as our hair and skin color sometimes being homosexual is not a choice it …show more content…

Back in 2013 all 50 states of America had to make a decision on allowing or banning gay marriage. This caused a major conflict between the gays and Christians, causing each state make a difficult decision. Even if a state(s) allow gay marriage, in certain places still will not allow gay couples to enter or purchase anything in that particular shop,market, or store. For example: A bakery in Colorado refuses to bake a cake for a gay’s wedding because of his belief, now the owner of the bakery is now charge for breaking the state’s Civil Right Commission. (“Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes, undergo sensitivity training, after losing lawsuit”) So sadly even if the state allow gay marriages still some Christians refuse to accept

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