Do Guns A Good Means Of Self-Defense?

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A report of COPS, the true stories of police officers says that no matter what is done with gun laws, it doesn’t stops criminals. A man who was arrested, said that it will only take you 20 minutes to go get a gun off the street. One of the most important issues of arms control, that is, whether or not they are an effective form of self defense. Who can tell if a gun is a good means of self-defense or not. A criminologist named Gary Keck studied the Justice Department data, while Florida State University. He learned that victims who have defended themselves with a gun during a robbery or an assault, are less likely to be injured or killed. Anti-gun people say that you do not need help from a weapon to save a life. You can only try to escape, reason with the offender or use physical resistance (with the exception of a firearm), and it will work, That 's not true, actually there is a greater chance of injury if crime is complete. These statistics are the same when it comes to theft. Another topic discussed very heavily is the topic of accidental …show more content…

Many anti-gun groups say since 1970 the number of firearms has increased, but forget to say that no murder rates have increased, the proportion of people who did have guns are dropped from 49 percent to 40 percent, but violent crimes rise and fall, so, the number of gun owners has no influence on whether crimes rise or fall. Another report says that every 43 deaths provoked by a gun is more likely to kill a relative than a criminal, but they tend to forget that 86 percent (37 deaths) of 43 deaths, were suicides. The ¨Gun War¨ has been going on for years, everyone has a different view of how weapons should be treated and dealt with. But since the beginning of this country, we have the right to keep and bare arms. There will always be people who try to get rid of guns, and there will always be people who defend guns. No matter what is said, there is a quote from the National Rifle Association that says "Guns do not kill people, people kill people." so I deeply believe that responsibility is the answer to this problem. The sooner we accept this reality the