Persuasive Essay On Honors Classes

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Honor’s classes also known as advanced placement classes, suck and before you say that “I am just jealous because I’m not in honors classes”. I used to be in two out of 3 honors classes, but I voluntarily left because I was getting too stressed out. Honors classes are supposed to be for students who are too smart for the normal classes in their grade, so they made honors classes to “Challenge them”. Most schools have three honors classes, Science, Math, and Reading, I think there is advanced music classes but I may be mistaken. On paper this sounds like a good idea. However in reality it is just a more advanced curriculum, which is great. It’s not that the work is unbearably hard, most honors students don’t have a problem with the work, however …show more content…

So you end up just learning a third of the home and copying the rest and that’s no way to learn. I only know of one honors student who actually does all of his homework himself and boy does he pay for it. He loses hours of sleep trying to be a good student and do all his work himself. One day he told me he only got 4-6 hours of sleep because he was doing homework. Students should not be punished for actually learning. It’s like the people who make the honors curriculum don’t know how to make the work challenging so they just give them a bunch of easy work instead of actually challenging work. The main reason honors kids get bad grades is not because they don’t know the material it’s because they can’t get the immense amount of work done. It gets to the point, “Do I want a C in an honors class that stresses me out but challenges me, or do I want to get an A in a class that doesn’t make me want to bang my head against a tree, but it doesn’t challenge

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