Human Experimentation Persuasive Essay

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If someone searches human experimentation online it will tell you that human experimentation can be broadly defined as anything done to an individual to learn how it will affect him or her afterwards. Experimentation on a human being is the experimentation of humans to help find cures and to help fight off things like illnesses or diseases. It can also help provide us with the medicine and knowledge of what medication should be used to treat the injury or illness medication treats things. Like headaches, sore muscles, injuries, and many more things. There is a lot of debate over human experimentation and whether it is right, if it works, or if it is needed at all. Experimentation on humans, while sometimes beneficial, often has resulted …show more content…

Human can be needed to thrive but can sometimes only make certain situations worse or not much better than before. Like in my evidence “The ethical justification of biomedical research involving human subjects is the prospect of discovering new ways of benefiting people's health”. Which is basically stating that we perform human experimentation to benefit ourselves and others. Science-based medicine depends upon human experimentation. Scientists can do the most fantastic translational research in the world. Starting with elegant hypothesis tested through invirts and biochemical experiments. They can understand disease mechanisms to the individual amino acid level in a protein or molecule nucleotide in a DNA. This helps support my counterclaim by telling exactly how human experimentation helps everyone understand disease mechanisms to individual amino acids. One of the primary ethical justifications for conducting research with human human subjects is to benefit society. The ethical justifications of biomedical research involving human subjects is the prospect of benefiting people's health. In my evidence one of the primary ethical justifications for conducting research with human subjects. Human experimentation can be needed to help everyone survive. Without human subjects or human experimentation the world wouldn't have things we need like medicine, cures for diseases, and more. While human experimentation can be bad or non-effective in helping people sometimes; but other times it can work