Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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An immigration policy is any policy of a state that deals with the transit of persons across its borders into the country, but especially those that intend to work and stay in the country. Immigration policies can range from allowing no immigration at all to allowing most types of immigration, such as fluid immigration as in not many problems underlying The immigration policy of the United States in my opinion has some very unjust rulings, as in being very judgmental in all the various rules of immigration. Therefore, a new revised policy may be needed to fix all the statements of race, and who is allowed to enter . Presidential candidate for 2016, Donald Trump, has been thinking of immigration restrictions based on unfair topics such …show more content…

The next stage after this period of time is that the illegal immigrants will soon be let out as residents of the United States with time period of 2 years before getting deported . This will be a difficult task because of the enormity of illegal immigrants. However, illegal immigrants face a great burden to cross the border for a self driving cause . If the cause was that important deportation would be too cruel . The borders should be firm and not very operative as it allows people to live better lives. Terrorism can be countered by allowing all with a recommendation from the government about the person's record and past.The government should fine people who benefit from hiring illegal immigrants because although the immigrants should not be in the country the citizen who makes money has been supplying an unregistered person. There should be a fee of 2500$ per person This is because space of a possible citizen as the united states should care more about citizens rather than immigrants.This new policy will not violate privacy laws because citizens are not letting immigrants work in their private