Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Illegal Immigration is defined as an unauthorized or undocumented immigrant that violates the immigration laws of the destined country. There are an estimated eleven billion illegal aliens residing in the United States alone. A tenacious debate has been occurring for years in America about whether or not illegal immigrants should be given amnesty to live freely in the United States. Immigration laws need to be strictly enforced because, it is inviting criminal behavior into our country, causing a threat to the American workforce, and it cheapens the value of our country. Immigration into the United States, is not always, but often done illegally. By granting illegal aliens citizenship, we are rewarding their criminal behavior. Taking a look at the crime statistics in just one state, the Texas Department of Public Safety states that “from June 1, 2011 to February 28, 2017, the 215,000 criminal aliens who were booked into Texas jails were collectively charged with 566,000 offenses, including 1,167 homicides and 6,098 sexual assaults, with a total of 257,000 convictions.” (Tancredo.1) The United States shouldn’t allow citizenship to a person who is capable of committing a federal crime. …show more content…

There are an estimated ninety-five million Americans not in the labor force as of October 2017, and one researcher at Pew Hispanic Center “estimated the number of illegal aliens in the workforce at 8 million…” (Passel.1) It is a known fact that companies will hire illegal aliens to do dirty work for cheap labor because they claim that Americans won’t do the job. There is not one job in this country an empty handed American would not take, but they are unable to find a job because companies would rather hire illegals for cheap than pay for a