Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The efforts to make marijuana a prescription drug was in act in 1972 by NORML and worked its way through the government. Twenty-eight states have legalized marijuana to this date. That means more than half of the country has legalized it, those that have are doing just fine. Making marijuana a regular thing makes society safer. Legalization helps us better understand marijuana's health effects.With the recent legalization of medical marijuana in 28 states, more and more people are starting to turn to marijuana as a treatment option for various reasons.

Marijuana is definitely not risk free. Its smoke has carcinogens but it's less harsh than many over the counter prescriptions. There is also no recorded deaths from overdose. Marijuana can stimulate appetite, but those …show more content…

For twenty years, medical cannabis has been providing relief to people all over as the government and most other states have been slowly recognizing the health benefits of marijuana. Now, states are finally moving forward towards legalization, some politicians are thinking about making changes to the federal law. Public opinion has changed in favor of legalization for medical purposes and recreational purposes. The United States government could save up to $14 billion per year by legalizing cannabis. Prisons around America spend about $1 billion on marijuana related incidents.By taxing marijuana it could put money back into our government when people buy it. America taxes anywhere from $10-14 billion per year, money that could be spent on education and health. Almost 8.2 million people were arrested for weed related crimes between 2001 and 2010, 52% of the drug arrests were pot related incidents. Of the 8.2 million arrests, only 6% were for sale marijuana. Most people were going to jail for possessing the