Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana should be legalized across the country. Because it can be used as a medical purposes and you cannot died from it and it can grow the economic. The American across the country there are some 35 million Americans have tried the drug and perhaps ll million use it regularly. Yet those who need it for medical reasons are often unable to obtain it: marijuana has not yet passed the Food and Drug Administration's stringent requirements for use as a prescription drug. Now however four states New Mexico, Florida, Illinois and Louisiana have passed laws to encourage therapeutic use, generally as part of a"research'' program At present, patients must go to extraordinary lengths to obtain marijuana legally. Consider the District of …show more content…

But even this treatment is being provided under a"research" project in which he happens to be the sole subject. Thus are the rules bent to accommodate a tenacious patient Marijuana shows great, but not fully proven potential as a therapeutic agent. It eases pressure within the eyes of glaucoma victims. It reduces or eliminates the nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite in Some cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It pears to help the breathing of asthmatics. It may also be useful against epilepsy, alcoholism and multiple sclerosis, and as a sedative or antidepressant. And compared with many other drugs, it is relatively safe Marijuana boosters want it legalized immediately for widespread medical use. That would be premature the need now is for accelerated research to define its medical value. Yet progress has been greatly slowed by the drug's lingering notoriety. Marijuana is now classified under Federal drug laws in the most restrictive category ore reserved for highly dangerous. drugs that have no accepted medicaluse the situation seems to be loosening up.The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and other petitioners, have with the help of the Federal courts, forced the Government to consider placing marijuana and its derivatives in less restric