
Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana

1708 Words7 Pages

Carlos Pagan
May 5,2016
Mr. Z

Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option?

In 1970, the US Congress put pot in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act since they considered it to have "no acknowledged medicinal use." Since then, 23 of 50 US states and DC have sanctioned the therapeutic utilization of weed.

Advocates of restorative maryjane contend that it can be a protected and powerful treatment for the manifestations of tumor, AIDS, numerous sclerosis, torment, glaucoma, epilepsy, and different conditions. They refer to many companion checked on studies, noticeable restorative associations, real government reports, and the utilization of pot as pharmaceutical all through world history.

Adversaries of therapeutic pot contend that it is excessively hazardous, making it impossible to utilize, needs FDA-endorsement, and that different legitimate medications make weed use superfluous. They say maryjane is addictive, prompts harder medication use, meddles with fruitfulness, hinders driving capacity, and harms the lungs, resistant framework, and cerebrum. They say that therapeutic maryjane is a front for medication sanctioning and recreational. A couple of pros said "I had consistently surveyed the experimental writing on medicinal cannabis from the United States and thought it was genuinely …show more content…

Patierno, PhD, Deputy Director of the Duke Cancer Institute and Professor of Medicine at Duke University School of Medicine, expressed the accompanying in a July 7, 2014 conclusion article titled "New York Does Medical Marijuana Right," distributed in the Wall Street Journal:"The utilization of cannabis as a medication is astoundingly uncontroversial at the bedside of a malignancy quiet or a kid experiencing writhings who may be made a

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