Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Many citizens in America today depend on alcohol and cigarettes, which are causing harm to them daily. According to Marijuana Policy Project, alcohol causes more harm to the body than marijuana (Marijuana Policy Project). Many citizens who use drugs such as alcohol are at risk of intoxication-related violence, sexual assault, and reckless behavior(Marijuana Policy Project). Also, compared to marijuana, alcohol is said to be the cause of many cancers such as the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver, and prostate, marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer(Marijuana Policy Project). With that being said Marijuana should not be classified as a hard core drug if it does not cause the pain and damage that alcohol does. Legalizing marijuana can benefit America in many ways, such as preventing crimes, helping with medical issues, and earning more tax money. …show more content…

For example, if marijuana was legal it would be less prostitution, murders, and the major drug dealers would come to an end. Many sex trafficking around the United States is because they are trying to earn money to get illegal drugs. Not only do illegal drugs promote prostitution, but it also is the cause of many people committing murders because they want the illegal drugs. According to author Silja Talvi, many marijuana arrests around the United States is for possession, not dealing or trafficking (Talvi 2). If marijuana was legal it would cause more law enforcement to focus on the major crimes in the United States than focusing on minor issues such as possessions of marijuana, and it would also be fewer drug