Persuasive Essay On Marijuana Legalization

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A war is being fought right underneath the noses of many American people today and it is not a physical fight, but one of metal will and determination. With a little help from congress a lot of people would be able to function in today’s normal atmosphere’s, among different social classes with varying levels of education it can be a struggle for some of those trying to be a part of a “normal” functioning society. A website tells this best… It is named NORML for obvious reasons, also an acremen for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and describes not only the legalization of marijuana, but also the various health benefits provided by this recreational activity. Agreeing with these policies means that we need to reexamine these laws and adjust them accordingly. The American population is too big and with all the current technology that is in place, it could be determined that we are headed in the direction of legalizing anyways. A bill has already been compiled and submitted to congress for legalization (NORML). Someday people across the country will be together as one again, to many Americans rely on alcohol for social gatherings and events. Just to think about how many more friends and happy times one would have without the bad mannered ill temperament that comes along with being drunk. Tax revenue would help our children and our children’s children, billions of dollars can be monitored and provided to states for …show more content…

These are troubling issues American’s are faced with every day, everyone could always use a little help, so it needs to be provided to the men and woman suffering in America, as told by John Hudak in his article entitled “The Medical Marijuana Mess: A prescription for Fixing a Broken Policy. It does describe how important it can be to have this product available to everyone in the family, even young