Persuasive Essay On Meat Farming

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There is something you do everyday that destroys the earth faster than anything. It’s not driving around in your car, it’s not littering, or even failing to recycle. The commercial meat packing industry destroys our fragile planet faster than all of these factors combined. Out of all of our total land, your future food uses nearly fifty percent of it. Farms used to raise commercial meat occupy forty five percent of earth’s arable land. And that’s not our first offense, or our worst. Ten acres of land are now gone every five seconds. The irreplaceable rainforest is cut down to make room for cattle. We are separated by an iron curtain between us and our food. The food production in our world is wasteful and kills faster than all of our habits. In the United States, the largest consumption of fresh, useable water is used on animal agriculture; in 2015, fifty five percent of our water had been used for cattle. …show more content…

I urge you all to reflect and think about your diets. A vegan diet is a very large commitment, as is a vegetarian diet. I ask not that you convert your entire meals to ones of only vegetables, but that you limit your consumption to one meal a week. By doing so, every day you go meat free, you save 1,100 gallons of water, forty five pounds of animal fodder, 30 square feet of amazonian forest, and 20 pounds of CO2 equivalent. Oh, and a life. Animals are complex creatures, with emotions, memories and personalities. Commercial farming's are incredibly inhumane. I’ll spare my audience the details, but it’s something you’d never want your dog to go through, so why a cow or a