Wastage Of Food In America Essay

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The wastage of food in America is hurting the environment and all Americans. America is one of the leaders of an unfathomable amount of waste, but a major part of it consists of food that have little or nothing wrong with it. Because of the useless wasting of food there is distress among the market and consumer, so many are starting to take precautions when it comes to food. Farms are taking care of food squander which is a step in the right direction, yet waste in farms is an endless venture that doesn’t seem to be getting better for a time to come. It seems that there no hope to end the wasting of all this food in America, but there are many solutions that can be used to help minimize the waste of food. Food loss is a widespread pandemic that is causing chaos in the …show more content…

It is said that 40 to 50% of food produced on farms in America don’t even leave the field. The food is either just left in the fields to rot, fed to the livestock or sent off to the closest garbage facility. When sent to the garbage facility the waste tends to just end up in a landfill. If the food is lucky enough to make it off the farm it will be shipped either to a manufacturer or to the consumer-facing businesses to be sold. This step is fatal for the food trying to make it to our tables for dinner. The consumer-facing businesses are made up of the restaurants, grocery stores, and any other places that sell food to the public. Stores will throw away products simply because they are “ugly” or a little oddly shaped. This can be justified by what was said by Doug Rauch, the former president of the Trader Joe “Grocery stores routinely trash produce for being the wrong shape or containing minor blemishes. (qtd. Chandler)” Much of the food that is thrown away by stores is only because of a minor problem which is unnecessary when there are people still willing to buy the produce. Continuing, a smaller

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