
Persuasive Essay On Mental Health Care

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Mental Health has taken a hard hit in many areas and especially in California. Now it looks like it will take another hard hit at a time when quality mental health care is a top need in this country. We need more quality mental health services that needs to be provided by competent mental health care service providers, not these mass produced, poorly trained, under supervised individuals that are too young to be practicing. In mental health today, one of the most irksome of situations to me are the state and Federal work and wage laws that are primarily designed to protect office and production workers and which force mental health employees to “falsify” time records and sometimes case notes due primarily to overtime laws that are most often …show more content…

Since health insurance companies are so strong because they are united, then focus on the “divided we fall” part. And, hence, look at creating a new type of hybrid health insurance company that can provide insurance covering all the options that the news now says will be dropped form the next attempt at reform.

Thus, by creating divisions within the health insurance industry that can, in all practicality, accommodate the opposing needs of the American people and the health insurance industry; you will have essentially provided a “united we stand” for the insured and left the for profit institutions alone to pursue business as usually only now with fair competition they can’t “fix” or control. And incidentally, be sure that the for profit “big guy” insurance carrier (of any type) can’t open up their own hybrid health insurance company to take control and eliminate the needed

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