
Persuasive Essay On Morbidity

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Accessibility to gruesome imagery shows how humans tolerance towards morbidity is stronger. The idea of morbidity has always had a bad stigma, so then why do some like it? What causes this liking for scary movies , or curiosity towards death? Brenda Ann Spencer notorious for shooting bullets at a crowd of students. Many question how can someone be capable of that act? As a child she grew curious of death , litting tails of cats and dogs she soon began to wonder what death would be like. Some serial killers begin their first acts of curiosity with animals and then slowly transition into killing humans. . At some many question what death looks like. Just a few clicks away images of death could be found on the internet , it is available for everyone to see from six year olds to 70 year olds. The internet is filled with many morbid websites from recordings of pilots lasts words in a plane crash to websites that tell you …show more content…

A new famous phrase used by teenagers is “kys” which stands for kill your self. Society has made the scary concept of death into a humour. Many times children who want to commit suicide are exposed to memes about suicide.What would you do if you jokingly told someone to kill themselves, and they actually went and did it? You'd probably feel like sh*t. It surprising that a terrifying act , is now seen as joke . Now morbid concepts are taken as a joke and teenagers are more intrigued by gruesome images and videos. The internet has opened new doors for teenagers to be exposed to morbid imagery . Not just suicide is seemes as a joke , school shooting and isis have also been made into memes. There’s many famous instagram and facebook accounts dedicated to memes.The negativity and depthness of concepts like suicide and homicide isn’t really being brought out. All these new jokes are just another reason why

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