
Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

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The Right Answer
The shortage of human organs has always been a massive problem not only for the United States but for the whole world. As of July of 2017, there are currently 117,000 people waiting on the waitlist (Organ Donation Statistics, 2017). This numerous number continues to grow every single day. The people on that list continue to hold onto that hope that one day they will receive that organ they need. The problem with this is that there are only a few scientific alternatives that can provided a relief from the shortage of human organs. There has been many theories that have been tested to relieve the shortage. Such as the theories like pigs be used to grow human organs have been one of the many theories that scientist are trying …show more content…

However, the European countries have created a new system called “Qdequs” which stands for organ donation European quality system (The Odequs Project, 2017). This system was made to evaluate the organ procurement performance at hospital level (The Odequs Project, 2017). This new method has been an easy solution for the organ donation shortage in Europe. Due to this system Spain is now known as the world leader in organ donation. This project has allowed 4,360 transplants to be carry out in Europe (www.wnyc.org,2016). If the system similar to this one was to be placed here in the United States, it would be a temporary fixed for the shortage of organs that we are facing today and could possibly eliminate it. By legalizing this method in the U.S more people would be more educated on why we should donate our organs after we die. Also, the if the system was in placed it would be really easy translation because those who wish to opt out would have to simply go to the DMV and change their

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