Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

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A person is added to the national transplant waiting list every ten minutes and twenty people die every day while waiting for a transplant. One donor can save up to eight lives with their organs including heart, two lungs, liver, pancreas, two kidneys, and intestines and their tissue can help the lives up to 50 people.
With a population of 4.693 million, only 61 deceased organ donors were reported in New Zealand in 2016 which is an improvement from previous years but still have a long way to go. Presumed consent is constantly under consideration when discussing schemes to improve the rate of organ donation in the world and it usually attracts mixed reactions from the public and health professionals. It is hard to decide what is …show more content…

With all these statistics, it is very tempting to choose the side that is well equipped with better numbers as it seems like the obvious option. However, the most obvious option is not always the right one, at least not for the …show more content…

In UK 90% of people say they support organ donation in opinion polls, but less than one-third are registered donors. The barriers that cause this phenomenon should be addressed and taken more seriously in order to see a difference like what Spain did with their organ donation system. Some of the barriers include mistrust in the medical field and lack of understanding about brain death as major barriers to donation. It is human nature to be hopeful even if the desired outcome is unlikely, hence family members usually refuse to donate organs of their loved ones while their heart is still beating even proclaimed brain dead. The less people trust medical professionals, the less likely they are to donate. There is also a misconception that if the doctors know that you are a registered organ donor, they won't do everything they can do to save your life. Therefore, focusing on building trust, addressing faults, providing education and training health professionals should be prioritized rather than jumping straight to altering the