Persuasive Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse

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Singer, songwriter Whitney Houston died in her bathtub sipping on cocaine and 12 prescription drug medications provided by five different doctors. Celebrities like Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson both died from legal prescription drugs. A common myth, doctors know best is often incorrect. Prescription drug abuse has been around since the 1800s. Housewives would use their “little helper” to get through a boring and unfulfilling day at home during the 50s which was acceptable and common, but since the early 1990s prescription drug abuse has increased rapidly. This new epidemic has cost money and lives with their new popularity. Babies are born addicted to prescription drugs and people are floating through their lives taking pill after pill. Prescription drug abuse is often looked over because many do not see how a medication prescribed by a doctor can have lasting, dangerous effects. Prescription drugs need to be locked away and taken for their intended use. …show more content…

These drugs can be taken or given from a friend or relative, generous doctors, or bought on the street. There are many dangers using a drug which is not “medically” prescribed by a doctor for a certain weight, height, and age. Many people abuse prescription drugs and it often goes unnoticed. In the United States, every day 2,500 teenagers 12-17 years old try pain relievers for the first time. These drugs are usually taken orally, but can be crushed and snorted or injected into the bloodstream which intensifies the effect. Prescription drugs are a gateway drug to alcohol, marijuana, heroin, ecstasy, and cocaine. According the Columbia University, teens who abuse prescription drugs are five times more likely to use marijuana, twice as likely to use alcohol, and twenty times more likely to use street drugs. Prescription drug abuse is becoming more popular and common with time because they are easily

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