Persuasive Essay On Redskins

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Dear commissioner Roger Goodell and daniel Marc Snyder, I do not support the use of the word “redskin’. It is slandered word which is offensive connotation a sit passed through history. The word is described as a bad word which is an exclusive word to describe others. People do not like to call them with such a word as a slander, or some kind of bad words because using the word “redskin” is very disparaging, and insulting to the Indians. For example: If I called the white, black or a brown people as another name that gave by other nationality, how it feels? It can hurt their feeling. By keeping this name redskin that like disrespecting the indians. It doesn't matter if you didn’t know that this name is disrespecting to indians, but now now you it so you have to change ti and name something …show more content…

Calling redskin on telling on television or shouting out loud on field can make native american mad. We know that from your perctive it doesn't mean anything bad to native indian, but from their percitive it is disparaging to them. We know that from your point of view it would sound crazy, but by saying that name can make them mad and it can lead to a fight and if that happen it going to be wost for the both side. So changing team name seem to be the best idea. And knowing that the name is disrespect to native american you should change you name to something else It can change the way people think about native american. If the NFL team change their name can help the people point of view. People who bullied native american or called them redskin when they see that the NFL team name is redskin they are probably going to think racist and they will spread it to all people and that can affect the way people think about the native american. And it can also make bad view on native american about the NFL team. They gonna think that they are being disrespect to them. And they are gonna protest about that. It can lead to lot of lost for