Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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These harrowing tales (from are just a fraction of what we’re dealing with. Imagine, in Pennsylvania alone, countless others with similar experiences, tormented by inconsolable grief.
I once relayed to an American expatriate several heartbreaking shooting incidents involving children who had inadvertently or intentionally killed themselves, their playmates, and their family members. I noted that such is the daily reality in America. (Sadly, this is true.) “You mean on top of all those school shootings?!” he asked in disbelief. I pointed out that, despite having to witness shooting fatalities at an appalling rate, common sense gun regulations are yet be implemented, for example, enforcing background checks, requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen guns, or putting a cap on the inexhaustible purchasing power of interested buyers who could regularly purchase a sinful amount of guns to be sold in the black market, which too often are traced to fatal shootings. As he listened, he looked at me as if I were crazy, as if I were guilty of libel, venting my grudges against America. I simply said, “These are all true. Go look it up. I am just as befuddled as you are.”
Hundreds of millions of people residing outside the U.S. borders are scratching their heads, saying, “I don’t get it?! Why do the american public and …show more content…

As Americans, we have endured one horrific shooting incident after another. It is like sitting through the annual Halloween horror movie marathon; except, this is real. We are in no position to casually or stridently demand personal rights in brazen disregard for those in grief; nor are we able, with a clear conscience, jump at the opportunity to absolve pro-gun organizations and groups of all responsibility; this is especially true in the aftermath of horrible shooting deaths. Like Jesus, we must weep with those who