Persuasive Essay On Squirrels

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Squirrel’s can digest chocolate but should NOT be the first option to feed them. Chocolate can take over a squirrel 's system and they can’t take large amounts of it as well. Squirrel’s thrive on protein, carbohydrates, and fat which is why they eat most food they eat whether it’s out of a trash can on off the ground. You should feed them nuts and sunflower seeds instead cause it’s filled with a more natural taste for them. It says that on What else can squirrels eat or digest? According to they can eat almlost anything. Cheese, cereal, fruits, vegetables, they can eat about every food category. Squirrels do have foods they can’t or don’t enjoy eating. Raw onions and raw garlic are a couple. Hot peppers, that one is obvious why. They also shouldn’t be eating foods that have dairy products. You may think peanuts are just like acorns but they aren’t. It’s not good to feed them peanuts they have no nutritional value for them. It says so on Squirrels also love coconut oil they can be addicted to it. They will be all over it, take every last drop. …show more content…

It says so on The only legumes that can be safe for squirrels are green beans and sugar snap peas in the pod. You should give a squirrel something to chew on such as an antler or tree branch. It has calcium in it or even a mineral block for the squirrel. If your wanting to feed a squirrel a balanced meal daily then feed it something like healthy vegetables or fruit, you should feed it 2-3 pieces a day. Also on