Persuasive Essay On Stem Cells

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After nearly forty years Stem cell research continues to move ahead. First with mouse which started around 1981 and then human embryonic stem cells which started around 1998, and now cow stem cells. According to Kelly Servick on it has taken decades for scientists to be able to take stem cells from calls and be able to actually keep them in a state to be used for research. We use stem cells for different studies. So not only can this discovery help researchers mimic human diseases in cows, they can also use it to try and make healthier and more productive livestock.

What can this do for us? Cow embryonic stem cells may offer a better model for human stem cell therapies than using mice or rats. Isolating cow embryonic stem …show more content…

Under the right conditions, embryonic stem cells can grow and make any other cell type or tissue, which can help create genetically superior cows. In a study published recently in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists at the University of California, were able to find a new culture system that allows them to take stem cells on almost every single attempt.
Producing stem cells from livestock is important for genetic testing, genome engineering and studying human disease. As I said in the beginning the cells may offer a lot better model for human stem cell therapies. Mice and rats are usally too small to show whether certain therapies will work on humans or not.
Breeding a better cow, and a lot faster If researchers can generate gametes, or sperm and eggs cells, from the stem cell breeding could decrease the amount of time it takes to produce genetically superior cattle.
“That could revolutionize the way we do genetics by orders of magnitude,” said study author Pablo Ross. In a short time it seems that, scientists could speed up the process of improving generations by decades. “In two and a half years, you could have a cow that would have taken you about 25 years to achieve. It will be like the cow of the future. It’s why we’re so excited about this,” said