Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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What is the Syrian Civil War? The Syrian Civil War began during the Arab spring in 2011 which gave rise to ISIS in Syria and Iraq. As a result of the Syrian War, over 2 million refugees have fled to neighboring countries and are now seeking asylum in Europe. Estimated about 750,000 migrants have arrived by sea this year. The vast amount of refugees brings a question to the world: “Should Syrian refugees be welcome in Europe?” Europe is fractured over how to handle the massive flood of refugees coming in: Cultural differences and lack of job opportunities has led to protests and fights among the refugees and the natives. Additionally, the security loopholes in Europe spawn a safety issue. Europeans doesn’t know who is coming into their country …show more content…

This is partly true, but think of the big picture: Assimilating refugees are difficult. It’s easy to welcome people at the airport, but provide jobs and absorb people with different values is a big challenge. Some will argue that letting refugees in will bring economic growth to Europe, but it wouldn’t be a significant amount. Also if people can’t get along, nothing will get accomplished. Assimilations can’t be forced on the host or the new residents, both sides need to be willing to assimilate and have to be willing to accept. The natives are showing huge resistance towards the idea of letting refugees in; if refugees are let into Europe, chaos will happen because forced assimilations will never work. Secondly, Europe is struggling to keep up with the overflowing number of the refugees. MS News Now recently published an article called Refugee crisis creates culture clash, disunity for Europe, which mentioned the situation of Europe: “Poorer Eastern European countries have not caught up economically with the West and lack the infrastructure and resources to process the massive of migrants.” If Europe is lacking in resources to provide for the refugees, why should they take in more refugees? Europe taking more refugees in would be like digging a hole for itself, because this will only cause more trouble for

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