Persuasive Essay On Taking A Stand

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Stand In the past couple of months, people have begun to believe that it is appropriate to kneel during the national anthem. These people believe the best time to protest is during America’s One minute and thirty-two second song of respect and freedom! The protesters say that they are not protesting the branches of military or people who have served, but instead are protesting the man in charge…Donald Trump. Protesters are kneeling for the injustices African Americans are facing in the twenty-first century. The question that the people of America are trying to solve is should we stand or should we all just take a knee? Kneeling during the national anthem is inappropriate and disrespectful not only to the families that have served our country, …show more content…

What they don’t realize though, is that the American Flag and national anthem has nothing to do with Donald Trump, the Flag is a symbol of the people and the freedoms they share. Some would say that kneeling is sending a good message to the younger generation, that it is good to stand up…well in this case kneel for what you believe in. However this isn’t the message being sent, in fact the message being sent is that its “cool” to disrespect almost all of American history. The American Flag and national anthem have been apart of United States history, since the moment we EARRND our freedom. The biggest argument that the protesters use is that they have the constitutional right to the freedom of speech and expression. This I cannot argue with, the constitution clearly states that everyone in America has equal rights and freedoms under the supreme law of the land. With this being said, I cannot say they are breaking the law, what I am saying however, is that knelling during our country’s song shows a lack of maturity, dignity and respect. Standing during the national anthem is a symbol of respect and thankfulness. There have been men and woman who have served our country and have lost the ability to walk or stand. For someone who is willing to give up