Persuasive Essay On Tattoos

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People ask all the time what are the medical risks of getting a tattoo and if I don't like it can I get it removed well I see people all over getting tattoos right now but just because you could be the proud new owner of a new tattoo in a matter of hours don't let the ease of that stop you from making a responsible decision about permanent body art if you take steps to protect yourself from the possible risks what seems cool now won't turn into pain or regret later a tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on your skin with pigments and served it through little tiny pricks into the top of the skins layer typically the tattoo artist uses a handheld machine that acts like a sewing machine with one or more needles piercing the skin repeatedly with every puncture the needles …show more content…

reactions to life-threatening anaphylaxis the second thing you got to watch out for is skin infections tattoos can lead to local bacterial infections with redness swelling pain and the formation of pus this can also spread into your bloodstream But what if you have a tattoo and you want to get it removed there are several ways out there including creams lasers and surgery tattoo removal creams are widely available online but there's no evidence that they work the most common removal technique is the laser technique the other two lasers so what the patient will notice is that the skin turns white immediately which actually lasts a day then a bit of skin flaking will occur and that lasts for a couple of days there's usually not a lot of bleeding what people should realize is that the laser tattoo removal isn't time treatment that's because the lasers do not remove the pigment from the tattoo what they do is break up the ink into smaller pigment particles which the body digests from the inside out if the tattoo was originally applied by an amateur the removal takes around five treatments and if it was professionally

Done it takes around nine treatments you can also get a tattoo surgically